The Old Pain Returns

After feeling pretty good yesterday, though I wasn’t expecting to, I had a really bad night last night.

I’d had a very physical day at work on Tuesday and expected to pay for it that night and yesterday, but after a bath and an early night, I slept relatively well and awoke yesterday morning feeling ok.

Routine as normal last night, shower, use the Alpha Stim, pain levels pretty low overall, so I went to bed quietly confident of a decent night. However, I was soon awakened with my old knee pain, this is very different from the FM pain I get, it is an old problem (I had both my knees operated on some years ago to relocate the knee caps) that appears to be rearing its (painfully) ugly head.

Now I’m trying to put a positive spin on this and think that maybe my FM is taking a back seat, with the treatment its been getting, and that’s allowing this old problem to show itself again, but that’s a difficult thought process, especially this morning after about 2.5 hrs sleep.The trouble is that the pain is so distracting, I find it difficult to do anything else, my normal insomnia allows me to occupy my mind with other things to try and make myself drowsy, but with last nights pain I just couldn’t concentrate, I tried reading, TV, Editing photos, music, but I couldn’t lie still enough for long enough to get off to sleep 😦

Anyway, apart from that, I am still in the process of moving some images across to my dropbox account so I can put them up on here and will try to share some with you in random posts, so here’s today. As ever, any fIronbridgeeedback is welcome as long as it’s constructive!  🙂

This is Ironbridge, the first bridge of its kind anywhere in the world, spanning the River Severn at the town of the same name. Taken on Sunday during our weekend trip.

I’m now going to see if I can relax for a few hours before I need to go to site..At least I have my day off tomorrow, got a booking to photograph a friend’s Dog, Monty the Wippet, who’s a real character, so looking forward to that 🙂

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